

Pullix implements a generous reward system for $PLX holders, with even greater incentives for those who choose to stake their tokens. A fraction of the brokerages daily profits will be allocated to the acquisition of $PLX from the open market through a decentralized exchange (DEX). The purchased $PLX will follow a dual allocation: 50% will be subject to burning, introducing a deflationary mechanism to $PLX, while the remaining 50% will contribute to rewards distribution to holders that have staked their $PLX tokens.

Staking has evolved into a potent method for encouraging prolonged holding and active engagement within a cryptocurrency ecosystem. In the case of Pullix, staking $PLX serves not only to enhance token stability and foster community loyalty but also enables stakeholders to earn passive rewards, thereby amplifying the advantages of being an integral part of the ecosystem.

Distribution Mechanism of Rewards

The calculation of rewards is contingent upon the staked amount and the duration of staking. Users have the flexibility to claim rewards at their convenience through the website, and these rewards can be employed on the platform, restaked, or retained in their wallet.

Upon the conclusion of the staking period, both the initially staked tokens and any unredeemed rewards are released to the staker's wallet.

Last updated